Lets Grow Together

Welcome to The Incompetent Gardener, my aim was and is to try and grow our own food, from our own little piece of suburbia. Where it be building raised beds using reclaimed materials, to hydroponics. I'm on a huge learning curve and loving it. My other passion is cooking, and making my own recipes and manicuring flavors. I'd love your feedback, stories and comments as you join me on my Incompetent journey.

How to make Canna-churri

Ingredients needed:
4 x Tbsp olive oil
1 x Tbsp Canna bud
2 x Large garlic cloves
1 x Tbsp fresh parsley
1.5 x Tbsp white wine vinegar
2 x Tsp dried oregano
1 x Tsp mesa rosa chipotle
1/2 x Tsp chilli flakes
1 x Tbsp kosher salt
1 x Tbsp ground pepper
1 x 2.75lb roast beef joint

  So this was my first time trying a Canna recipe, and to be honest I've never laughed so much cooking, it was great. If happiness was contagious then this is the best, every time I looked down at my plate, it felt like my food kept growing back. It took several attempts to get right, but here we go, hope you have as much as I did making it.
  The basis for this recipe is the cannabis infused oil, now as I say I made several attempts trying to make this, first I thought do I just put the bud in the oil, nope didn't work, did I feel anything, nope.  Take 2, I tried heating the oil on simmer, and mixing the bud this way, it was better, but still not right. Then some research came in, in a nutshell you need to bake your bud first, this process is called Decarboxylation, there are tons of articles over the internet, with everyone having their own method. By baking your bud first you release the THC, releasing those little happy psychoactive fairies, you know the ones, the little angel on one shoulder and the little red angel on the other. If this process isn't done, you just waste time and money. So wading through the articles I wanted to find a way to bake my bud quickly.
 Turn the oven on and preheat to 260 degrees Fahrenheit, get a baking tray ready and spread your bud evenly out over grease-proof paper, once the oven is up to temperature, place your bud in and bake for 20 mins. Within 5 mins the aroma starts to fill the kitchen, giving a giggly haze to everything, basically your hot boxing your kitchen. If you find the smell overwhelming there are several other ways to bake it, which we'll go into later.

 Step 1: Infuse your oil like mentioned above, make at least 2 days prior to cooking, to help the bud infuse into the oil, how much you want to infuse is up to you. I infused 1/4 bottle of extra virgin olive oil to 1 Tbsp of bud.

Step 2: In a medium bowl combine the parsley, vinegar, salt, garlic, oregano, chili flakes and the infused oil. You can leave for a few days in an air tight container. I personally mixed them all together and left it on the side to let it get to room temperature for a good 3 hours.

Step 3: Prep your beef, lightly rub pepper and a pinch of salt over the joint of beef, and place in an glass dish. Then pour a little of the infused oil over the beef so it sits in the bottom of the glass dish.

Step 4: Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F, allowing roughly 20 minutes per pound, ours was cooked for 45 minutes to 50 minutes leaving it pink. The aroma of the Canna oil should be coming through as a gentle aroma, not an overpowering smell. 

Step 5: Leave the joint to sit for 5 minutes, the canna-churri we left in the bowl as a side dish, to dip, a tang of flavours come through, which are settled by the taste of the beef. And as the night goes on, its the gift that keeps on giving.
  If you try it I'd love to here your comments or feedback, Enjoy.


My Reads:

  • The IRS is reminding marijuana companies that taxes under Section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code still must be paid because of the drug's Schedule 1 s...
  • We’re continuing to GroMoreGood and reinforcing our Pollinator Promise with the opening of a new bee yard, known as an apiary, at our Marysville, Ohio, c...
  • The post How to Use FoxFarm’s Cultivation Nation® 3-Part Liquid Fertilizers appeared first on FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company.
  • Animation is definitely not just for kids. The post A Handful of the Trippiest Animated Movies Ever Made appeared first on Green Rush Daily.

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